Cooperstown Cages



Q. What can STRIKE do for my player?
A. Improve strength, gain velocity and power, improve bat speed and athleticism on the field. STRIKE is a full program of everything a player needs to improve their baseball tools to raise their game to the next level.

Q. What does STRIKE weight room consist of?
A. This consists of isolated full body lifts, arm care & daily maintenance on muscle groups that tend to be forgotten but are very important to athletes. Learning to lift correctly and make the correct movements with the weights is very important for muscle growth and preventing injury. This is a main focus for us in the class. Players are watched close in the weight room to make sure they are learning the movements correctly, so they can use them in everyday lifting once class is over.

Q. What can I expect from the Arm Strength part of STRIKE?
A. Arm Strength and velocity are one of the biggest focuses of the class and is why the class is so popular. The player learns proper throwing technique and long toss programs to help arm speed increase. The average increase for the class is 7mph and with some players gaining up to 20mph in just one STRIKE season.

Q. What am I expected to learn as a hitter?
A. We have our top instructors helping with hitting. Each player spends individual time with each instructor. They also learn from their peers as they watch and listen. The coaches will video sessions from time to time, and help break down swings of MLB hitters to improve similarities and differences.

Q. How much work do pitchers get?
A. Along with arm strength, which is a huge part of the pitching, the player receives daily pitching drills as well as flat ground work and bull pens. These drills are ones that pitchers do from time to time in lessons and need to work on daily, like hip and shoulder separation and leg drive drills. We also put a lot of emphasis on the dry work or shadow work, which is not taxing on the arm but puts a lot of focus on body control and mechanical feel. This helps the pitcher understand how the body works on the mound.

Q. What are some extra things we might learn in STRIKE?
A. We put a lot of emphasis on nutrition and learning how to live healthier as an athlete. We try to teach the athletes proper eating habits, what to avoid and how to understand the body and its needs from a nutritional standpoint. We also teach about supplementation and the benefits and negatives of what you put into your body.

Q. Can I expect for my feet work and speed to increase?
A. Yes, there are daily stations for speed and footwork, learning to use your feet and hips as quickly as possible for each athlete. We have obstacle course workouts at the field on Tuesdays which also helps with quickness and stamina. We focus daily on strengthening the core which really helps improve speed.

Q. How do I know STRIKE is the right choice for me?
A. This is the most complete program in DFW that you can do. The amount of detail put into the programs is far more than you can get out of any other program. It’s not just a workout, its learning experience and a life changer. Every player we have in college and pros have been through STRIKE and will tell you how great it is and what a difference it makes in their career. Come see for yourself, you won’t regret it.


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